
| Democracy of the Future | Publication

Tim Bale (June 2021): Labour has retained the support of the country’s poorest workers, but has been losing support among working people in general. While the Conservatives have been successful in uniting the Leave vote, Labour’s equivocal stance on Brexit led to the party winning only the support of half of all Remain voters. The Conservatives’ campaign combined impressive message discipline with a highly sophisticated polling, advertising and social media campaign, run by a team of external consultants. All this stood in complete contrast to Labour’s seriously dysfunctional, largely in-house campaign.


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication

Gerry Mitchell (April 2021): This paper looks at the impact of COVID-19 on care workers and the people they care for in England. It explains why the care sector was so vulnerable to and ill-equipped for the pandemic and charts the delayed government response to it and how that was further impeded by a lack of integration between health and social care.


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication

Dave Watson (March 2021): This paper sets out how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on older persons in Scotland and how the care system has responded during the first infection wave in 2020. It will also show how the trade union movement has reacted to the pandemic and its programme of reform to address the issues the pandemic has highlighted. This is one of nine reports that make up the project "On the Corona Frontline" which analyses elder care in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic.


| After Brexit: The UK-EU Relationship | Publication

(Matthew Donoghue, Mikko Kuisma, eds.: December 2020) With the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union, it is appropriate to reflect on the future social pathways now open to the European Union, made more possible perhaps by the UK’s exit. For example, could Brexit result in an EU in which considerations of social citizenship and rights are elevated up the agenda in Brussels? Could the EU’s focus hitherto on ever-closer economic union and international competitiveness be shifted towards the European Pillar of Social Rights so as to strengthen it, make it more tangible in citizens’ lives and central to a renewed EU agenda?


| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication

Jean-Pierre Maulny, Marius Müller-Hennig, Neil Melvin, Malcolm Chalmers (November 2020): Brexit poses a risk for Euro­pean Security as the highly institutionalised relations based on EU membership change, and prevailing cer­tainties seem to disappear. In order to maintain a close relationship on foreign and security policy, smaller and more infor­mal alliances like the E3, a setting of trilateral relations between the UK, France and Germany, will gain importance.


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication

Patrick Briône (October 2020): The COVID-19 crisis has led to major, unprecedented changes in UK working practice. while many on them might be temporary, some effects are likely to prove long lasting. New working patterns – such as a huge increase in remote working– require new approaches towards management. Employers need to pay more attention than ever to their workers’ physical and mental health. This report also considers the Good Work agenda and the value of work in the modern economy.


| Democracy of the Future | Publication

Des Freedman (September 2020): Public service broadcasting in the UK is fraying at the edg­es. Faced with increased competition from commercial ri­vals and ongoing pressure from hostile governments, broadcasters have failed to adequately safeguard their fu­ture in an environment marked by constant technological change and an increasingly distrustful audience. This brief­ing examines some of the recent developments and dilem­mas concerning major media companies like the BBC and ITV and outlines a plan of radical reform and modernisa­tion.


| Publication

Antje Schneeweiß (June, 2020): This study firstly seeks to show, from a civil society perspective, how the human rights due diligence in the »green« EU taxonomy should be implemented. Second, it sets out a proposal for a »social taxonomy«. Both points are dealt with against the backdrop of the great lengths the EU has gone to since 2017 to steer private capital towards sustainable economic activities, putting together in the EU taxonomy a comprehensive definition of environmental sustainability (»green taxonomy«) for the key sectors.


| Democracy of the Future | Publication

Clive Lewis (February 2020): This publication is based on a speech given by Clive Lewis, Member of Parliament for Norwich South, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Good Society debate. It is a statement which details the challenges of social democracy, the future of Europe, and reflections on the Good Society.


| Publication

Paul Mason (April 2020): Keir Starmer was announced as Labour’s new leader on 4 April 2020. A career human rights lawyer, his political strategy has been consistent since the 1980s: a socialism based on justice and wealth redistribution, a commitment to internationalism and a vision of the Labour Party as a vehicle for all oppressed and exploited sections of society. Starmer’s pitch to Labour’s estimated 580,000 active members is an end to factionalism. This briefing examines Starmer's positioning during the contest, and what challenges he faces as leader.


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