Towards A New Normal - What legacy might COVID-19 leave for UK working patterns?

Patrick Briône (October 2020): The COVID-19 crisis has led to major, unprecedented changes in UK working practice. while many on them might be temporary, some effects are likely to prove long lasting. New working patterns – such as a huge increase in remote working– require new approaches towards management. Employers need to pay more attention than ever to their workers’ physical and mental health. This report also considers the Good Work agenda and the value of work in the modern economy.

Towards A New Normal - What legacy might COVID-19 leave for UK working patterns?

It would be an understatement to say that the COVID-19 crisis has led to huge changes to UK working practice. While many of the most extreme changes, such as the furloughing of 10 million workers, are surely temporary effects of the pandemic, other changes are likely to prove much more long lasting. This report examines what the longer-term impacts of this unprecedented year are likely to be for the UK workplace, after the immediate crisis has passed.

Read the full report here.

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