On the Corona Frontline: The Experiences of Care Workers in Scotland

Dave Watson (March 2021): This paper sets out how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on older persons in Scotland and how the care system has responded during the first infection wave in 2020. It will also show how the trade union movement has reacted to the pandemic and its programme of reform to address the issues the pandemic has highlighted. This is one of nine reports that make up the project "On the Corona Frontline" which analyses elder care in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic.

On the Corona Frontline: The Experiences of Care Workers in Scotland

Scotland acquired the status of a devolved administration within the United Kingdom in 1999. Most public services and legislative powers are devolved to the Scottish parliament and government. Health and care services are all devolved (apart from minor aspects concerning professional regulation).

Scotland had a distinctive health and social care system even before devolution, and the differences have increased since then. In particular, the first Scottish government in 1999 – led by Labour – rejected the marketisation of health care adopted in England. That approach has been continued by the current Scottish National Party (SNP) government (Socialist Health Association Scotland 2014).

The focus of this paper is on what in Scotland is called adult social care. That means residential and domiciliary care services as distinct from the hospital services provided by the National Health Service Scotland (NHS Scotland).

Read the full report here.

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