Thursday, 07.03.2019 - London | Event

At this year’s British-German Dialogue Forum, German and British Members of Parliament, academics and think-tankers were discussing defence and security policies in changing world orders. Main emphasis was being put on US-policies under Trump and its impact on security in Europe, the role of NATO…


Tuesday, 30.10.2018 - London | Event

Under the heading "In spite of Brexit - How to stay closely aligned?", German and British MP's, academics as well as think-tankers were discussing the future of the British-German relations, the European Left, the cosmopolitan–communitarian divide and common approaches in countering populism.


03.07.2018 | Event

Immigration control has been at the centre stage of British politics for over a decade. However, since the referendum, the issue has fallen down the agenda. Polling evidence suggests that concerns about immigration have lost salience among the public’s concerns. Labour’s strategy on migration has…


Saturday, 23.06.2018 - London | Event

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, which gave millions of British women the right to vote, FES London and the Fabian Society hosted the all-day Women's Conference “100 Years of Suffrage: Our Vote, Our Voice”.


Thursday, 31.05.2018 - London | After Brexit: The UK-EU Relationship | Event

In partnership with Policy Network and the Aston Centre for Europe, FES London hosted the panel discussion “vEUws on Brexit: the Franco-German Agenda”.


Monday, 05.03.2018 - London | Event

In partnership with Demos and the Berlin-based think-tank Das Progressive Zentrum, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung launched a new report on "Mediating Populism" on Monday, 05th March 2018.


Thursday, 14.12.2017 - London | Event

As a result of a joint project between FES London and the Fabian Society, Cameron Tait from the Changing Work Centre presented his report “New Tricks – Innovative Approaches to Lifelong Learning” on 14 December 2017. The expert roundtable was chaired by Yvette Cooper, Labour MP, with contributions…


Thursday, 16.11.2017 - Sheffield | Event

How can young people participate in the politics and processes of Brexit? With the objective of facilitating the discussion on Brexit, FES London and Common Vision (CoVi) hosted “BYOB”, a workshop for young people living in Brexit Britain. The event was supported by Sheffield Futures and Sheffield…


Thursday, 14.09.2017 - London | Event

With the words “Let’s dare more democracy”, Willy Brandt set in motion a young generation’s desire for more political participation and emancipation and encouraged masses of people to join the SPD. FES London hosted a panel debate that addressed Willy Brandt’s legacy in the contemporary context,…


Friday, 08.09.2017 - London | Event

Karl Marx’s 200th birthday would have been in 2018. The FES will celebrate this with a series of seminars and conferences throughout the next year. In preparation for the upcoming events, FES London and FES Rome launched the Marx year with an international conference that looked at the perspective…



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