Wednesday, 18.11.2020 - Berlin

The Economy and the Labour Market in Crisis – Is the Pandemic Accelerating Change? With Matthew Taylor

Digitalisation, structural change and demographic change are leading to upheavals in the labour market.

On top of these long-term trends, Covid-19 has unleashed forces on the economy that have affected Germany and its European neighbours in completely unexpected ways. While large parts of the economy have been struggling with the pandemic, the tech sector and especially Big Tech, are among the clear winners of the crisis.

 To what extent has the pandemic accelerated digitalisation and thus the long-term transformation of labour markets? Has the crisis exacerbated polarisation in the job market or is it leading to an upgrading of work, especially of social services? Which opportunities does the crisis offer for a transformation towards a socially and environmentally sustainable, knowledge-based economy and how can we make use of it?

The FES is joined by Chief Executive of the RSA, former Labour adviser and author of the 2017 report, Good Work, Matthew Taylor, to discuss these questions. 

This interview was conducted within the FES Digital Capitalism Congress 2020. Please begin the above video at 10:30 as the event was livestreamed and began slightly behind schedule.