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239 results:
| FES in Ireland | Publication
Gewerkschaftsmonitor Irland 2023
Prof Michael Doherty (July 2023): Der jährlich aktualisierte Gewerkschaftsmonitor bietet Hintergrundinformationen, aktuelle Daten und Fakten und analytische Einblicke in die irische…  
| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication
Gewerkschaftsmonitor Grossbritannien 2023
Michèle Auga & James Hoctor (July 2023): [in German] The annually updated Trade Union Monitor provides background information, current statistics and facts, and an analysis of the British trade union…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
UK-German Defence & Security Cooperation
Ed Arnold (2023): The UK and Germany are the European top defence spenders and top supporters of Ukraine in military, economic and humanitarian assistance. They have significant diplomatic, defence…  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
A New Cycle of Struggle: The British Left Post-Corbyn
Amardeep Singh Dhillon (December 2022): The 2019 election defeat of Corbyn’s Labour Party marked the beginning of a new era for the British Left, as the fragile coalitions which had cohered around…  
55. A Care Workforce Fit for Britain  
Jeevun Sandher & Daniel Button (2023): Investing in our care workforce will address unmet care needs. It will also have other knock-on economic, environmental and equality benefits. Raising pay and…  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
Canaries in the Coalmine: Building Resilience to Online Misinformation among Young People in the UK
Daniel Allington, Harry Shukman, William Galinsky and Rachel Briscoe (2023): The spread of online misinformation is a key concern in a digitally-permeated society, prompting fears that engagement…  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
Mainstream and Far Right Islamophobia: A UK-Germany Comparison
Seema Syeda & Titus Molkenbur (2023): The far right is organising internationally to build a globally connected movement of ethno-nationalists that share Muslim communities as a common target. The…  
58. Developed economies must be bolder to deliver a fair transition for transport  
Stephen Frost, Becca Massey-Chase, Luke Murphy (2022): At COP27 and COP15 global leaders had the opportunity to set out a new vision for transport, one that would protect and restore nature, rapidly…  
59. Green Investment: The Prudent Choice for Prosperity  
Sam Alvis & Luke Murphy (December 2022): The UK drastically needs to reduce carbon emissions and address biodiversity loss. Meanwhile, the public, staring down the barrel of soaring costs and…  
| After Brexit: The UK-EU Relationship | Publication
Environmental Regulation in the UK after Brexit
David Baldock (2022): There are a number of possible paths for EU-UK cooperation on environmental regulation, including dynamic alignment with EU law at one extreme and systematic departure from EU…  
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