Mainstream and Far Right Islamophobia: A UK-Germany Comparison

Seema Syeda & Titus Molkenbur (2023): The far right is organising internationally to build a globally connected movement of ethno-nationalists that share Muslim communities as a common target. The left and progressive response must also be international.

Mainstream and Far Right Islamophobia: A UK-Germany Comparison

Far-right figures propagate the so-called »Great Replacement Theory«, which assumes an elite conspiracy aimed at deliberately minoritising an imagined ethnically homogenous white majority. The framing of »clan criminality« has increasingly been used in Germany to portray criminals as members of archaic family networks, supposedly in contrast to »Western values«. In the UK, responses to extremist violence and gangled sex abuse is often racialised as a Muslim problem. The far right is organising internationally to build a globally connected movement of ethnonationalists that share Muslim communities as a common target. The left and progressive response must also be international.

Read the full report here.

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