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237 results:
| Event
VIDEO: EU-UK climate cooperation post-Brexit
Can climate cooperation between the EU and the UK play a part in rebuilding lost trust between the partners?  
| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication
Just Transition: Remembering the UK workforce in the push for net zero
Patrick Briône (September 2021): The road to net zero carbon emissions poses risks for the workforce if not handled carefully. The concept of a just transition – where jobs and livelihoods are…  
Podcast: German Election 2021 with Jeremy Cliffe and the New Statesman
A special episode of "Germany Elects" featuring Martin Schulz, Katarina Barley, Jens Zimmermann, Ulrike Hermann, and Anja Wehler-Schöck.  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
Political campaigning in the digital age: How the Right dominates digital campaigns and what the Left needs to learn
Parties of the Left need to invest time, energy and money in digital campaigning. It is no longer a ›nice to have‹, but is an essential tool for effective political campaigning in the modern era.…  
| Event
Podcast: The German Federal Elections
Listen back to our event with Compass on the upcoming polls.  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
Left behind by the working class? Social Democracy’s Electoral Crisis and the Rise of the Radical Right
Tarik Abou-Chadi; Reto Mitteregger; Cas Mudde (July 2021): Social democratic parties in Western Europe have been experiencing an electoral decline of historic proportions in the first two decades of…  
| After Brexit: The UK-EU Relationship | Publication
EU–UK climate cooperation post- Brexit: A case for optimism?
Jannike Wachowiak (June 2021): There was palpable relief when the EU and UK concluded the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on Christmas Eve 2020, pulling both sides back from the brink of a…  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
The British general election of 2019: Conservative Triumph. Labour Disaster.
Tim Bale (June 2021): Labour has retained the support of the country’s poorest workers, but has been losing support among working people in general. While the Conservatives have been successful in…  
89. „In Pandemiezeiten sind Regelverstöße einfacher“  
Patricia King über die Erreichbarkeit im Homeoffice, unbezahlte Überstunden und das Recht auf Offline-Feierabend.  
| Event
Day of Progressive Economic Policy 2021
VIDEO: Catch up on the international FES conference on inequality, climate justice, value and recovery.  
Search results 81 until 90 of 237