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239 results:
| Publication
TTIP – The Growth and Employment Engine that Couldn’t
Sabine Stephan (November 2014): It is often argued that the transatlantic free trade agreement will open up substantial growth and employment opportunities to the participating countries. In her…  
| Publication
Fair Mobility in Europe
László Andor (January 2015): In this new paper, published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Social Europe Journal (SEJ), former EU Commissioner László Andor examines the discussion about…  
| Publication
Inequality and Financialisation: A dangerous mix
Alice Martin, Helen Kersley, Tony Greenham (December 2014): The report shows how rising economic inequality was a major cause of the financial crisis. This is the conclusion of an emerging body of…  
| Publication
Public Capital in the 21st Century
Giacomo Corneo (November 2014): The increase of income and wealth concentration threatens the European project of a good society. In his essay, Corneo argues that capital taxation alone cannot stop…  
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Convergence in Crisis – European Integration in Jeopardy
Michael Dauberstädt (October 2014): EU discourse these days tends to conceive of convergence in terms of the Maastricht criteria. By contrast, this volume concentrates on the alignment of economies…  
| Publication
Semi-Sovereign Welfare States, Social Rights of EU Migrant Citizens and the Need for Strong State Capacities
Cecilia Bruzelius, Elaine Chase and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (December 2014): National welfare states within the European Union have become semi-sovereign and can no longer limit benefits and services…  
| Publication
A Convenient Truth: A Better Society for us and the Planet
Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett (September 2014): The speed and magnitude of rising social inequality has reached new dimensions. The quality of life for the vast majority of people is declining…  
| Publication
Common rights in a single market? The EU and rights at work in the UK
Joe Dromey (September 2014): There has been growing debate about Britain's membership of the European Union in recent years. For those who would repatriate powers from the EU, one of the main focuses…  
| Publication
Addressing economic inequality at root
FES London and NEF (July 2014): The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the New Economics Foundation (NEF) launched a new report on tackling inequality and the living standards crisis at root. The…  
| Event
14th British-German Trade Union Forum
Trade unionists and experts from Germany, the UK and Brussels gathered in Berlin for the 14th British-German Trade Union Forum.  
Search results 221 until 230 of 239