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239 results:
| Publication
Progressive Politics and the Question of English Votes for English Laws
Colin Miller (June 2015): The question of English Votes for English Laws (EVEL) presents progressives with political and constitutional challenges. This paper, published by the…  
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Wage-led Growth
Engelbert Stockhammer (April 2015): Wage-led growth is an equitable strategy for recovery that realises that wage growth can support demand via consumption expenditures and it can also induce higher…  
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A Force for Fairness? What could the European Union do to combat economic inequality?
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and High Pay Centre (April 2015): Most British workers underestimate the importance of the European Union in guaranteeing many of their key rights at work shows a new…  
| Publication
Understanding Pegida in Context
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Social Europe Journal (Edt., March 2015): The Pegida demonstrations that took place in Dresden and some other big German cities have attracted a significant amount of…  
| Publication
Pegida & Co. - The rise and fall of a populist enterprise
Dieter Rucht (March 2015): After appearing as if out of thin air in Dresden on 13 October 2014, the protest movement Pegida soon spread to several cities in Germany and other European countries,…  
| Publication
Welche Wahl hat Großbritannien?
Ulrich Storck (January 2015): The outcome of the upcoming general election in May is anything but predictable. Polls are suggesting that neither Tories nor Labour are going to win an overall…  
| Democracy of the Future | Publication
Inequality and Work in the Second Machine Age
Henning Meyer (December 2014): The digital revolution associated with the Second Machine Age is likely to create major public policy challenges. Inequality in particular, already back at record…  
| Publication
The EU and the East in 2030
Scenario Group EU and East 2030 (2014): Four scenarios for relations between the EU, the Russian Federation, and their Common Neighbourhood in 2030 were developed by a multinational Scenario Group…  
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Building the Good Society in Thailand: Resolving transformation conflict through inclusive compromise
Marc Saxer (October 2014): To overcome the transformation crisis, Thailand’s political, economic, social and cultural order needs to be adapted to cope with the complexity, diversity and permanent…  
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TTIP: Can the Planned Agreement Deliver on Its Promises?
Markus Schreyer (November 2014): The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) currently being negotiated between the EU and the United States is a matter of political and public…  
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