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239 results:
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
Cybersecurity: a case for a European approach
Everyday civilian and military activities have become highly dependent on cyberspace. This creates new vulnerabilities both to accidents and to intentional threats. Malevolent individuals and…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
Libya: security, economic development and political reform
Given Libya's everyday anarchy and violence, there is a strong temptation to take a “security first” approach. Yet this would repeat a principal weakness of European policy between the fall of…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
EU Approaches to Justice in Conflict and Transition
This paper examines EU approaches to justice for gross human rights violations in conflict- affected environments. It starts with a discussion of the significance of justice from a human security…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
EU Policies in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Try and Fail?
This paper argues that even though EU policies in the DRC integrated different components of human security – namely human rights protection, the restoration of law and order, and effective…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
Rethinking the EU Strategy towards Conflict - The Berlin Report
FES London and LSE (February 2016): Europe in the twenty-first century finds itself in the midst of interlocking crises. The EU as a new type of 21st century political institution should be equipped…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
Human Security and Sanctions, from Security to Governance: Strengthening EU Capacities and Involving the locals
The European Union (EU) has resorted to sanctions on several occasions in the last two decades, led by the assumption that restrictive measures would be less invasive and harmful than war. This paper…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
Why Europe’s border security approach has failed – and how to replace it
Despite Europe’s mass investments in border controls, people keep arriving along the continent’s shores under desperate circumstances. European attempts to ‘secure’ the borders have quite clearly…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
The role of the EU in the Syrian conflict
This report traces the EU’s policy response to the conflict in Syria. It argues that in the EU’s efforts to assert influence against the Assad regime through threatening – and eventually –…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
EU in the Western Balkans: Hybrid Development, Hybrid Security and Hybrid Justice
This paper analyses multiple policy instruments used by the EU and their effects in the Western Balkans from a conflict networks perspective, developed by the authors. The conflict network…  
| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication
A Human Security Strategy for the European Union in the Horn of Africa
This paper confronts the challenges of developing a European Union human security strategy for the Horn of Africa (HoA). It observes that the EU already has a broad strategy of regional engagement,…  
Search results 191 until 200 of 239