Wednesday, 04.11.2015 - Friday, 06.11.2015 | Event

The FES London Office organized this year’s British-German dialogue as a platform for British-German exchange on topics relevant in both countries. The British-German dialogue has become an institution since its introduction in 2000. It takes place annually either in the UK or Germany.


Tuesday, 20.10.2015 | Event

“The nature of work, earning and family relationship has changed. The model of a male breadwinner and a female carer is long gone.” The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London hosted an international panel discussion on material breadwinning across Europe to launch the report “Who’s breadwinning in Europe?”…


Thursday, 15.10.2015 - Friday, 16.10.2015 | Event

The digital revolution will change the way we work, live and communicate in an ever closer network of societies. How is digitalisation transforming politics, economy and society and how should European social democracy deal with all this?


Wednesday, 09.09.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung hosted a panel discussion on "Tax For Our Times" in cooperation with the Fabian Society. The open discussion at the House of Commons in Westminster followed the publication of the correspondent pamphlet with contributions from Andrew Harrop (General Secretary of the…


Monday, 29.06.2015 - Tuesday, 30.06.2015 | Event

Trade unionists and experts from Germany, the UK and Brussels gathered in Berlin for the 14th British-German Trade Union Forum.


Monday, 15.06.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London, Oxford University and the European Commission in the UK hosted a half-day conference in London to discuss conditions, challenges and solutions of freedom of movement and its associated welfare rights within the European Union in different aspects.


Thursday, 04.06.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in partnership with Policy Network hosted a conference on Social investment and the future of the welfare state. Titled “Preventative Social Policy in Action”, the event featured national and international politicians and experts, among them the Minister President of…


Wednesday, 15.04.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the High Pay Centre launched a new report “A Force for Fairness? What could the European Union do to combat inequality?” that examines public attitudes towards existing rights at work guaranteed by EU legislation, and potential ways in which the EU could tackle…


Tuesday, 24.03.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in cooperation with the New Economics Foundation (NEF) hosted a parliamentary launch of the report “Financialisation and economic inequality: a dangerous mix”.


Thursday, 19.03.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in cooperation with the European Council on Foreign Relations hosted an invite-only lunch discussion with Javier Solana on the future of European defence.



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