Tuesday, 19.01.2016

Launch Event: Outward to the World

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung together with the Fabian Society hosted the Launch Event of the joint publication “Outward to the World” at the British Parliament.

Shadow Foreign Secretary Hilary Benn MP, Stephen Kinnock MP and Jo Cox MP, who all contributed to the pamphlet, spoke about the importance of a left foreign policy in these turbulent times. There was strong advocacy for looking at European solutions in today’s conflicts, with the speakers emphasising that the British membership of the European Union is key to that.

The collection of essays maps out a practical but progressive foreign policy from first principles, developing the building blocks of a practical idealism: a new account of globalisation, a reinvention of the European security order, a political vision for de-escalation in the Middle East, a different account of what multilateralism means in the world.