Tuesday, 20.10.2015

Who’s breadwinning in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Maternal Breadwinning in Great Britain and Germany

“The nature of work, earning and family relationship has changed. The model of a male breadwinner and a female carer is long gone.” The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London hosted an international panel discussion on material breadwinning across Europe to launch the report “Who’s breadwinning in Europe?” in cooperation with IPPR.

In fact, 31.4 per cent of mothers in working families across Europe are breadwinners, and therefore earn more than 50 per cent of their family’s earnings. But how do Great Britain and Germany compare in numbers? What backgrounds do the national family and public policies have and what kinds of policy recommendations are reasonable to provide fair and gender-balanced conditions?

These questions among others were discussed by the panel and audience. After the presentation of the report the panellists from Germany and Great Britain discussed their respective cases.