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239 results:
| Publication
Mediating Populism
Sophie Gaston, Peter Harrison-Evans, Philipp Sälhoff, Joris Niggemeier (March 2018): As a joint research project, Demos and Das Progressive Zentrum explore the relationship between media and…  
| Event
Mediating Populism - Report Launch
In partnership with Demos and the Berlin-based think-tank Das Progressive Zentrum, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung launched a new report on "Mediating Populism" on Monday, 05th March 2018.  
| Publication
Labour's Brexit Dilemma
Andrew Harrop (December 2017): How can Labour respond to the economic and cultural fears that caused the 2016 vote for Brexit? Labour’s dilemma to reconcile the views of cultural liberals and…  
| Event
Lifelong Learning in the UK: Taking lessons from abroad
As a result of a joint project between FES London and the Fabian Society, Cameron Tait from the Changing Work Centre presented his report “New Tricks – Innovative Approaches to Lifelong Learning” on…  
135. New Tricks: Innovative approaches to lifelong learning  
Cameron Tait (December 2017): The future of work bears a variety of challenges for governments across the world, to equip workforces for new environments and requirements. This report by Cameron Tait…  
136. What Will Happen to Workers’ Rights after Brexit?  
Keith D. Ewing (December 2017): How will Brexit affect workers’ rights? Can current EU-standards like paid holiday or maternity leave be maintained in future agreements? Opportunities and risks of…  
| Event
"BYOB": Bring Your Own Brexit!
How can young people participate in the politics and processes of Brexit? With the objective of facilitating the discussion on Brexit, FES London and Common Vision (CoVi) hosted “BYOB”, a workshop…  
138. The Brexit Negotiations - What do the British Want?  
Sunder Katwala (November 2017): What are the aims of the British government during the Brexit negotiations? And what is their perspective on the alleged contradiction between UK market access and…  
| Event
Willy Brandt – The Legacy of a Rebel in Contemporary Context
With the words “Let’s dare more democracy”, Willy Brandt set in motion a young generation’s desire for more political participation and emancipation and encouraged masses of people to join the SPD.…  
| Event
#marx2018: Launch of the Karl Marx year
Karl Marx’s 200th birthday would have been in 2018. The FES will celebrate this with a series of seminars and conferences throughout the next year. In preparation for the upcoming events, FES London…  
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