Publications from FES London

It's the database, stupid!

Hillebrand, Ernst

It's the database, stupid!

Wie Informationstechnologien den Wahlkampf in Großbritannien beeinflussen
Bonn, 2005

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Das "anglo-soziale" Modell des Sozialstaats

Pearce, Nick; Dixon, Mike

Das "anglo-soziale" Modell des Sozialstaats

ein Vorbild für Europa?
Bonn, 2005

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Hat die Konservative Partei endlich ihren Tony Blair gefunden?

Hillebrand, Ernst

Hat die Konservative Partei endlich ihren Tony Blair gefunden?

London, 2005

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Globales Europa

Brown, Gordon

Globales Europa

Europa der Vollbeschäftigung
London,Bonn, 2006

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The new German government and its central political challenges

Brost, Marc

The new German government and its central political challenges

Bonn, 2006

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The integration of young male muslims in Germany

Gesemann, Frank

The integration of young male muslims in Germany

education and training as key areas for social integration
Bonn, 2006

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The elections in Germany and the SPD

Hillebrand, Ernst

The elections in Germany and the SPD

London,Bonn, 2006

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Sweden's new social democratic model

Taylor, Robert

Sweden's new social democratic model

proof that a better world is possible
Bonn, 2006

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Young muslims in the UK

Reed, Jodie

Young muslims in the UK

education and integration ; a briefing paper for the FES/IPPR seminar
Bonn, 2006

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The long good-by - Tony Blair, die Labour Party und die Wahl vom 5. Mai

Hillebrand, Ernst

The long good-by - Tony Blair, die Labour Party und die Wahl vom 5. Mai

Bonn, 2006

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