
| FES in Ireland, Democracy of the Future | Publication

Ireland stands at a critical juncture as shifting political dynamics and discourse reshape its democratic landscape. This report explores whether far-right rhetoric has begun to influence mainstream political narratives and delves into the perspectives of young Irish men susceptible to reactionary politics, examining their values, frustrations, and openness to such rhetoric. Through comprehensive discourse analysis, ethnographic research, and insights from senior stakeholders, the study sheds light on the factors shaping this evolving landscape and the challenges it presents for Ireland’s democratic discourse.


| FES in Ireland | Event, Publication

On October 23, 2024, the FES launched its latest report, “Who Does (Not) Vote in Ireland?”, as part of the Unequal Democracies series. The event was moderated by Anna Kraft, Programme Manager for FES Ireland, and provided an in-depth look at voter turnout in Ireland, illustrating a nuanced picture of non-voting patterns across demographics.


| FES in Ireland | Publication

Voting is a crucial factor in a democracy. This paper analyses voter turnout trends in Ireland, particularly focusing on the sharp decrease since the 1990s. Understanding voter participation helps identify key factors contributing to this decline, which are critical for guiding policy reforms.


| FES in Ireland | Publication

Ireland has comparatively low collective bargaining coverage in the European Union, making the EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages particularly significant. This report reviews the policy and practice on workplace access for trade union representatives in Ireland and contrasts it with approaches in countries like Australia, Germany, Romania, and Sweden.


| Foreign & Security Policy | Publication

Ed Arnold (September 2024): The UK-German relationship is a priority for the new UK Government and an additional two Joint Declarations have already been signed since the Labour Party came to power, with negotiations for a bilateral Treaty started. As Russia’s war against Ukraine continues and the Euro-Atlantic security environment deteriorates, the rationale for stronger UK-German cooperation is growing. The scope for a UK-German agreement appears to be wider than just defence and security, to incorporate economic benefits and other shared social challenges. However, an increase in ambition will also increase the risks to delivery and a meaningful relationship.


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication

For our German readers, the Trade Union Monitor Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2024 is now available to read! Follow the link below:


| FES in Ireland | Publication, News

As Europe strides toward a green economy, green hydrogen is set to revolutionize energy systems, particularly in hard-to-electrify sectors. This paper explores Ireland's potential as a green hydrogen hub, leveraging its rich renewable resources to support both domestic needs and European energy security. Highlighting the collaboration between Ireland and Germany, the paper delves into policy frameworks, the existing renewable energy landscape, and the socio-economic benefits of this partnership. By focusing on sustainable energy practices and fostering international cooperation, Ireland and Germany can lead the way in achieving a carbon-neutral future while advancing social justice and economic growth.


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication, News

Seema Syeda (2023): In mainstream discourse, it is often ›Muslims‹ who are framed as the ›problem‹. However, it is the white supremacist structures of European society, including within progressive spaces, that need to change. The burden of this work must be shouldered by the entire progressive community with an emphasis on continuous training and educating about Islamophobia, racism, and colonialism and how these issues manifest on a structural and individual level. Muslim empowerment must also be prioritised by creating spaces for Muslim-led self-organising – recognising the many different intersectional identities that exist within Muslim communities.


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication, News

The government’s plan to expand the number of ​‘free hours’ of early childhood education and care (ECEC) available to some families means that 80% of the provision being accessed in England by the end of 2024 will be funded by the state. ECEC will have become a de facto public service, but without realising the broad range of benefits this could unlock.


The concept of universal basic services (UBS) is based on the premise that the first job of good government is to make sure everyone’s basic needs are met. This is often best achieved through collective services rather than individual market transactions. The UBS framework sets out clear criteria that public services should be fulfilling:


- Free or affordable access according to need, not ability to pay.

- A mixed economy of provision, bound by a set of public interest obligations. …


| Work, Economy & the Just Transition | Publication

Poor work-life balance is bad for our health, bad for the economy and steals time we could spend with loved ones. But it is endemic in the UK.


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