Thursday, 30.06.2016 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London hosted its annual British-German parliamentary dialogue forum in the midst of the political turmoil caused by the Brexit vot


Wednesday, 15.06.2016 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London and CoVi presented interim results of a forthcoming joint analysis of a possible generational divide in attitudes to British relations towards the European Union.


Monday, 13.06.2016 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London in cooperation with the Fabian Society launched a new report on taxation that proposes a one-off levy on the passive wealth of the super-rich.


Monday, 18.04.2016 | Event

Several polls show that people aged 18-34 are more likely to vote to remain in the European Union than older generations.


Tuesday, 05.04.2016 | Event

FES London invited representatives from trade unions in Germany and the UK and experts from a variety of NGOs to a half day conference to discuss how to successfully engage with the question of worker’s rights in the ongoing debate on immigration into the UK.


Thursday, 21.01.2016 | Democracy of the Future | Event

The Digital Revolution is permeating our daily lives on many levels and the velocity of change is likely to become even higher in the coming years.


Tuesday, 19.01.2016 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung together with the Fabian Society hosted the Launch Event of the joint publication “Outward to the World” at the British Parliament.


Thursday, 17.12.2015 - Friday, 18.12.2015 | Foreign & Security Policy | Event

The FES together with the London School of Economics proudly hosted a conference to discuss the current engagement of the European Union in conflict-affected areas.


Monday, 30.11.2015 | Event

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London (FES) and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) co-hosted an annual dialogue event on Security and Defence Policies in Europe.


Tuesday, 10.11.2015 | Event

The Information and Consultation of Employees (ICE) Regulations, introduced in April 2005, were heralded as a significant opportunity to promote employee participation at work.



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