Thursday, 30.06.2016

British-German Dialogue Forum 2016

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London hosted its annual British-German parliamentary dialogue forum in the midst of the political turmoil caused by the Brexit vot

The forum provided a unique opportunity for members of the British Parliament and the German Bundestag, experts and policy-makers, to discuss a common agenda for the progressive forces in the two countries.

The discussions took place in the light of the unforeseeable implications of the UK’s decision to leave the EU and created the opportunity for stronger mutual understanding and exploring areas of strengthened co-operation. Central to the discussion was the EU referendum and its consequences, and beyond that the future of the left in the light of a changing Europe. The ever growing social and economic divide in the country was identified as an underlying cause of the referendum’s outcome. It was stressed that in the face of growing populism on the political arena and scepticisms among voters, social-democrats need to be more responsive to people’s needs and problems and speak with one voice. Having a common social-democratic agenda is central to this goal.