Wednesday, 15.02.2017

The European Union - Forgotten Guarantor of Peace and Prosperity in (Northern) Ireland

The FES London office organised a roundtable debate on the consequences Brexit might have for the future of the Irish Island.

As the EU is seen as the guarantor of peace since the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, it is undoubted that the peace process will be influenced by the separation of Britain from the EU within the next years. Politicians and the public should be aware of this often-forgotten dimension of Brexit.

To rise this awareness among policymakers in Germany, the FES invited Speakers from Belfast, Dublin and Westminster to discuss facts and scenarios for the future of the Common Travel Area, the free movement of goods on the island as well as for the end of EU’s financial support. Admittedly, there were more worries and question marks than satisfying answers for the Irish dimension of Brexit – Northern Ireland is as much on a journey into the unknown as the rest of the UK.