Wednesday, 09.09.2015

Tax for our Times: How the Left can reinvent taxation

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung hosted a panel discussion on "Tax For Our Times" in cooperation with the Fabian Society. The open discussion at the House of Commons in Westminster followed the publication of the correspondent pamphlet with contributions from Andrew Harrop (General Secretary of the Fabian Society, who chaired the event), Daisy-Rose Srblin (editor, "Tax For Our Times") and Tony Travers (director, LSE London).

The question "Can the left reinvent taxation?" has also been discussed by Alison McGovern MP (shadow city minister), The Guardian-columnist Zoe Williams and the diverse audience.

Wrapping up the panellists opinions, the tax system needs to be fairer. It is the most important connection between the citizens and the state but suffers from its negative connotation. A transparent, progressive and more efficient tax policy would highlight the taxes value for community and its sense of collective pride. Tax policy should not be reserved to experts alone. It should be opened up by politicians to include opinions from society, which tie incentives for politicians to reform the system and make it fairer.