Beyond Brexit: Promoting Workers' Rights, Decent Jobs, and Standards Through UK-EU Domestic Advisory Groups

Rosa Crawford (2022): The UK-EU Trade & Cooperation Agreement contained enforceable commitments for governments to maintain high standards of employment and social rights, and environmental and climate standards, termed the »Level Playing Field« commitments.

Beyond Brexit: Promoting Workers’ Rights, Decent Jobs, and Standards through UK-EU Domestic Advisory Groups

These commitments are currently being undermined by the government’s Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, which would see almost all retained EU law leave British statute books by the end of 2023, as well as recent efforts by the government to severely limit trade union activity and strike action. The TCA states that both EU and UK governments must consult a group of civil society representatives called »Domestic Advisory Groups« (DAGs). This presents a significant platform through which threats to downgrade employment rights, including recent threats by the UK government, can be challenged.

Read the full report here.

Beyond Brexit

Crawford, Rosa

Beyond Brexit

Promoting workersʿ rights, decent jobs, and standards through UK-EU domestic advisory groups
London, 2022

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