Continuing the Dialogue - Robin Mesarosch MdB

German Member of the Bundestag Robin Mesarosch (SPD) travelled to Northern Ireland from 8-10 May 2024 to discuss the impacts of Brexit on the region.

The visit was part of the "Continuing the Dialogue" programme, aimed at fostering communication and mutual understanding between policymakers and experts from Germany, the UK and the EU. On 8 May, Robin arrived in Belfast and met with civil society representatives before touring Belfast City Hall. The following day, he held meetings with members of Sinn Féin and the SDLP and visited to the Stormont Parliament. He also met with Professor Katy Hayward from Queen's University Belfast to discuss the future of Northern Ireland and visited Lagan College, the first integrated college, where children from Protestant and Catholic communities are educated together. There he learned more about the fragile peace in Northern Ireland and best-practices to educate the young generation in topics such as democracy, societal cohesion and diversity.  Robin then travelled to (London-)Derry, where he participated in a political tour through the city. In the evening, he met representatives from the SDLP for an exchange on challenges that social democrats and progressives face in Northern Ireland, Germany and around Europe. 

On 10 May, Robin had a meeting with Mayor Patricia Logue and representatives from the city to discuss the impact of EU funding in the city. He toured the Peace Bridge and visited the Waterside Shared Village, an EU-funded sports and community centre where he met volunteers from both Protestant and Catholic Communities. He also visited a Sheep and Cattle farm where he met representatives from the Ulster Farmers Union to discuss how the agricultural sector is affected by Brexit and the role the EU subsidies play in the agricultural sector in the EU.