Tuesday, 11.07.2017 - Wednesday, 12.07.2017 - London

16th British-German Trade Union Forum

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung London (FES), the German Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) and the British Trades Union Congress (TUC) co-hosted a dialogue event with trade unionists and experts from Germany and the UK.

Photo: FES London

The annual conference aims at strengthening the dialogue between German and British trade unions and at fostering mutual understanding. This year’s forum focused on the effects of Brexit.

The participants exchanged their national and European experiences on what Brexit will mean for working people in the UK and Europe and how Brexit will affect workers rights. Further topics of discussion were the results of the General Election in UK as well as the current political landscape and their effects on the Brexit negotiations. The participants also exchanged their opinions on their vision of a Social Europe und what will have to be done to achieve it.