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By comparing the aftermath of the 1966 World Cup final with contemporary post-Brexit British politics, Michèle Auga delves into Labour leader Keir Starmer's strategy amid the growing public regret over Brexit, emphasising his balancing act between pro-Europe sentiments and domestic political realities.






In an article for IPG, our director, Michèle Auga, compares the aftermath of the 1966 World Cup final and the contemporary political landscape in the UK, particularly regarding Brexit. She highlights Labour leader Keir Starmer's balancing act between pro-European sentiments and domestic political realities, as well as the challenges facing both Labour and the Conservative Party. While there's a growing regret over Brexit, there's no clear consensus on rejoining the EU. Starmer is aiming for a pragmatic approach, focusing on maintaining close relations with Europe while avoiding commitments that may hinder national sovereignty. This underscores the enduring complexity and divisiveness surrounding Brexit's legacy in British politics.