Tuesday, 30.10.2018 - London

British-German Dialogue Forum 2018

Under the heading "In spite of Brexit - How to stay closely aligned?", German and British MP's, academics as well as think-tankers were discussing the future of the British-German relations, the European Left, the cosmopolitan–communitarian divide and common approaches in countering populism.

In the first panel, parliamentarians gave their thoughts on the current situation in the negotiations. In the discussion that followed, the panellists’ assessments also dealt with the question how the European Left can stay aligned after 29 March 2019.

Subsequently, in the discussion on the European Left’s core message, current challenges of the progressive spectrum were addressed. In the panel on the cosmopolitan – communitarian divide, panellists and participants agreed that the combination of power and resources on the most local level are needed to overcome the divisions. Finally, the political strategies and lessons learnt in countering populism across Europe were discussed.

Having close links to all the sessions before, the last part of a brilliant conference day also stressed how progressives from both the UK and Germany are able to learn from each other.